Dividends and paying yourself as a director
As a director in a limited company, dividend payments are the usual way to take money out of the company - and see a financial return on your investment into the company.
Dividends are payments made to the company's shareholders when the business has made a profit. What's not re-invested into the company can be paid out as dividend payments to your shareholders, of which you are one. But what's the most effective way to do this?
Dividends as a part of good wealth management
As a company director, the company's aren't your only concern - you also have to make sure you are managing your own personal finances in the best way possible.
Good wealth management is essential as a director, and that means taking an informed, long-term look at the ways in which you are paid, the financial vehicles you are using and the tax planning you are carrying out across the year.
To make your personal finances work effectively:
Planning your directors' pay
If you want to get the most from directors' pay, come and talk to us. As your trusted wealth adviser, we will work with you to maximise your earnings. This includes helping you forecast your earnings and profits, planning out your dividend payments from the company and setting up your finances so you are being as tax efficient as possible.
Accounting & Advisory – Townsville
PH 07 4729 2222
Level 1, 250 Ross River Road
Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD 4814