The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up cashflow.
We've developed this service to enable business owners to understand the key drivers or KPIs in their business. We want you to learn how to accurately measure them and apply strategies and tactics to improve them.
First we work together to establish the key drivers in your business. These may be financial, e.g. gross profit margin, or non-financial e.g. customer satisfaction ratings. We'll then teach you how to measure each KPI and set improvement targets.
The number of KPIs you monitor should be limited to those that will make the most powerful difference to your business. These should be aligned to your annual Business Plan.
We'll coach you on a monthly basis to implement a tactical plan that covers the business processes and behavioural changes required to ensure your key drivers head in the right direction.
Call us today if you wish to better understand how to drive increased profit, cashflow and ultimately, business value.
Benefits of our KPI Improvement service:
Any time is the right time to start working on your KPIs. It's easy to put this in your 'too busy basket' but investing a little time each week could pay big dividends, improving both your business performance and personal life.
It's remarkable how simple changes to your business processes can improve your key drivers.
To see how we can help you establish, measure and improve your KPIs, call us today!
Accounting & Advisory – Townsville
PH 07 4729 2222
Level 1, 250 Ross River Road
Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD 4814