Xero's short-term cash flow feature for businesses
Business cash flow is simply money coming in and money going out of the business. Your outgoings will include things like rent, payroll, taxes and supplies. Your income will be revenue from sales but might also include investment funds or the sale of assets.
For most businesses, income and expenditure don't always happen at the same time so focussing on strong cash flow management will help you prepare for the shortfalls and also manage surplus income.
Cash flow reports allow you to look back at cash flow in your business. This can uncover cash flow patterns over time and show you how much money you need to run your business each month.
Cash flow forecasts look forward by combining payment dates and due dates for invoices, to give you an idea of what your cash flow will be like going forward.
Managing healthy cash flow
Xero's short-term cash flow feature gives you an up-to-date dashboard view of your organisation's cash flow. You can choose multiple bank accounts and see the projected cash flow over 7-30 days. The more information you include, the more accurate your forecast will be.
Healthy cash flow management gives you better control, so you are more prepared for growth or for the unexpected. Read the article at Xero Central to learn more about this feature and talk to us about improving your business cash flow.
Accounting & Advisory – Townsville
PH 07 4729 2222
Level 1, 250 Ross River Road
Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD 4814