Employers get ready for modern award changes in 2020
Following a decision of the Full Bench, the Fair Work Commission has finalised arrangements for new annualised salary clauses to be inserted into a number of modern awards with effect from 1 March 2020. These changes introduce important new practices for HR and payroll aimed at reducing "wage theft" and non-compliance with awards.
What do employers need to do?
Review employment contracts and update HR and payroll practices to comply with the new obligations to audit annual salaries, record hours of work and backpay any shortfall when annual salaries are audited against modern award entitlements.
Modern awards impose new annual wage obligations
Employers with employees covered by the modern awards listed in the industries/occupations below are highly likely to require amendments to employment contracts and adjustment to payroll and HR practices, in preparation for annual salary changes to be introduced on 1 march 2020:
Almost all employers employ clerical and administrative employees. Therefore, given that the Clerks - Private Sector award 2020 is one of the awards affected, many employers may need to seek legal advice to ensure award compliance.
What are the changes?
Depending on which modern award(s) apply to your workforce, the model clauses will impose a number of detailed mandatory requirements on employers who pay employees an annual wage in satisfaction of specific modern award entitlements. For example, a requirement to advise employees in writing of:
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