Planning for seasonal dips in income
Seasonal dips in income can be highly challenging when you are a small business. But there are proactive ways to predict, plan for and overcome these dips in revenue.
The key to dealing with seasonal dips is to know when they are most likely to occur, and to have measures in place to spread your income and revenue pipeline over the course of the year.
Understanding seasonality in your sector
If you business is seasonal such as pool supplies, or a ski gear specialist, you will be used to the peaks and troughs, but many 'non-seasonal' businesses experience times during the financial year where sales and revenue peak - and, on the flipside, where sales and revenue experience a pronounced dip.
When income is low at certain times of the year, it makes for challenging times.
So, what are the key ways to plan for this kind of seasonality?
If your business is struggling with seasonal dips, and the resulting impact on cashflow, come and talk to us. We can help you identify the timing of your seasonal downtime, and come up with a clear strategy for stabilising your income across the year.
Get in touch to start beating those seasonal dips.
Accounting & Advisory – Townsville
PH 07 4729 2222
Level 1, 250 Ross River Road
Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD 4814